
Earthworks and non licenced competencies

Mastering Earthworks: Training for Success

Discover the world of earthworks with OGM Training’s specialized course, designed for both beginners and experienced professionals. Whether you are looking to start a career in earthmoving or enhance your existing skills, our program provides the expertise you need to excel in this dynamic field. Dive into the basics of earthworks, covering essential techniques, equipment operation, and safety protocols. Gain practical experience with our hands-on sessions, allowing you to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world earthmoving scenarios.


1 day

VOC cost


Training Cost

Depends on class size


Onsite Victoria wide

Key Focus Areas

Earthworks Training

Elevate your skills with our comprehensive earthworks training, covering a range of topics to make you proficient in earthmoving operations.

Non-Licensed Competencies

Explore training options for non-licensed competencies, providing you with the skills needed for various roles within the earthworks and construction sectors.

Earthworks Near Me

Find training locations near you for added convenience. Our courses are designed to be accessible, ensuring you can enhance your skills without extensive travel.

Earthworks Ticket

Obtain your earthworks course ticket, a valuable credential that demonstrates your expertise and opens doors to new opportunities in the industry.

Course Options

Our program offers flexible course options, catering to various skill levels. Whether you are a novice or seeking advanced training, we have a course for you.

Earthworks Near Me

Accessible training locations near you, minimizing travel time and ensuring convenience in enhancing your skills.

Why Choose OGM Training?

Embark on a transformative journey into the world of earthmoving with OGM Training’s Earthworks Training. Our comprehensive program is crafted to equip individuals, whether beginners or seasoned professionals, with the essential skills and knowledge needed for success in earthmoving operations. At OGM Training, we prioritize practical education to prepare you for the challenges of the field. Our experienced instructors guide you through the intricacies of earthworks, ensuring you are well-equipped for success in the industry.

Ready to Enroll?

Join OGM Training and pave the way to a successful career in earthworks with our comprehensive training programs!